Friday, December 18, 2009

missing the guinea hea

I have nothing left to give

since the  guinea hen disappeared.

I considered giving the magenta morning sky

 or the flock of geese in v-formation

 but instead I offer the gift of pain

because it is what I know best.

I will sit with you and shed light on

the charm of misery and despair,

that is yours  for a song.

Together we can sing the ballad

that will capture the anguish

and fill your soul with the

exquisite ache.

Then we will weep in somber unison

when the geese take flight

at first light through the pink skies of dawn

image and poem copyright Rhonda Prince 2009

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for this exquisite poem. i think it is a captures so much life and light and sentiment! singing the ballad.....
