Tuesday, April 7, 2009

walk this way

The earth moved today,

just slightly, a tiny jump

forward in the universe.

Enough to shake the

foundations and send

the moon crashing

into the ocean.

Fortunately she was sitting

on the edge of the galaxy,

balanced on the north star

when the shift occurred,

sparing her the upheaval

it would’ve caused

But tonight she will feel

the effects of the day,

pulling her further into the

dark rift of the Milky Way

and leaving her tired and lifeless

as she sits inside her room.

Somewhere a child cries,

a thousand golden teardrops;

windows shatter,

leaving glass scattered in the yard;

the rains fall,

drowning out all sound but it’s own

And the hunger moon looms on the horizon.

photo and text copyright rkprince 2009


  1. for bea....your visual organisms have life, give life...carry on! :)

  2. thank you. let's do it and do it well. your poetry and words move with thought and feeling. great stuff!

  3. From Facts about the Moon by Dorianne Laux
